Jamis Blaine Robertson was born Sept. 24, 2009 at 5:04 pm. He is 20 inches long and weighed 8 lbs 12 oz. What is more - he has a full head of hair. He slept soundly his first night and had to be woken up by Morgan and the nurses in order to eat. He has been quite content to be swaddled and held. Kyla and Daria are still trying to make out exactly what to think of him, but they do call him "Baby Brother Jamis" or (phonetically speaking) "Baby Bwuddar Jamis). They will be good big sisters; I'm sure.
Morgan is doing fine enough. While trying to give her an epideral during delivery, the needle poked a small hole in her lining which caused an immediate migraine. The doctor administered just a test dose of the anesthesia to see how she would react. It had the effect of a spinal tap. Everything from her navel down went numb, and she couldn't move her legs. So between the migraines and the inability to move her legs, she was pretty miserable. The positive side is that she couldn't feel any of the contractions. That state only lasted for an hour or so before the medicine wore off. She started to feel all of the labor contractions, and they were the mean ones. Fortunately, she didn't have to endure them for long. Jamis was born within the hour of that. Morgan is doing much better today. She is able to get up and walk. Her headache has gone down drastically, and I think she is enjoying all of the attention the nurses and staff are giving to her.
More updates to follow.
Oh he is so cute!!! And it looks like his hair is dark! Congratulations derik and morgan!!!
How precious and beautiful he is! Poor Morgan - overdue by a few days, a large baby, and medical trauma. I feel for her, but I'm sure you are all just concentrating on that beautiful baby. Congratulations!
She sure knows how to grow them! I'm glad things went well (mainly. I hope the headaches go away soon! That is no fun. I'll be looking forward to more pictures and updates!
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