Wednesday, December 3, 2008


It finally snowed here in Winona. I think that the weather has decided to make up for lost time. After being promised snow on the ground for Halloween (there wasn't) and for sure snow for Thanksgiving (nothing) it has finally snowed. The snow waited for the very last day of November and then it dropped about two inches. Then it flurried December 1 and 2 than today (the 3rd) it dumped another two inches. It came faster than some expected today. So much so that local schools here were delayed two hours before starting.

In other news that is perhaps a bit more cosmic than the weather, today was my last day of classes of my first semester of Grad school (angels sing and crowds rejoice). Now I just have to wait a few weeks to find out how I actually did in my classes. I am hoping that I will pull out with no real battle scars. The school here doesn't give pluses or minuses on their grades, just the letter. I think I might be on the boarder in a class or two so I don't know how that will pan out. At the very least I will just be relieved that this semester is over. That means grad school is 1/4 way over as well (at least for the master's)

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