Saturday, December 27, 2008

Reading list I

Books Read from August to mid December. The titles that we would suggest for anyone to read are marked by an asterix. Dirty Job, The Piazza Tales, Candide*, Zen and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance*, The Color of Magic, Spook, Kafka: the Torment of Man, My Freshman Year, Guards! Guards! (Discworld #9), Rosencrantz and Guildenstern are Dead,Staircase of a Thousand Steps, Brave New World*, Clockwork Orange, The Amulet of Samarkand*, Introduction to Scholarship in Modern Languages and Literatures, Teaching composition as a Social Process, Diversity and Motivation, The Vocation of a Teacher, Teaching Literacies, Extras, Graceling, The Art of Literary Research, Goodbye Chunky Rice, Analyzing Prose, Specials*, Pretties*, Uglies*, Selected Stories of Katherine Mansfield, The Golem's Mighty Swing, The Metamorphosis*, Maus, Cairo, TheTruth (Discworld #25)*, Academic Literacies, Performance of Self, A Rhetoric for Writing Teachers, Theory and Practice for Writing Tutors, Hawthorne: a Life, Bone*, Devil in the White City, The Book of Mormon*, The Brothers Karamozov*


Madge A. said...

Pooh on Candide, I thought it was the most pointless depressing book ever written. (and I have read some pointless books little women and ann frank to name a few).

Anonymous said...

Candide is hilarious!. Maybe you just have to know Leibniz and his special brand of philosophy.

Anonymous said...

hey how
d you like devil and the white city? isn't that about a serial killer?

Anonymous said...

It was alright. It is non-fiction about a serial killer and the architect of the chicago world fair of 1890's. It is how the lives of these two men were intertwined. It wasn't the best writing, but it was a decent story.