Saturday, June 13, 2009

The Girls are Growing

The girls are growing, growing, growing. Some days they don't seem like toddlers but small adults - or teenagers depending on their attitudes.

Sleep has become an important topic at our house. The girls have graduated to twin sized beds. There has been only one falling out of bed (that we know of). We knew that the girls were ready to handle the height after we had found the girls a couple of times sleeping together on our couch without falling off.

After a while of letting the game sit, we got Guitar Hero back out. The girls have decided that they really like it. They have become little rockers. We are trying to get them to say "Rock On."Someday. In the meantime, they are getting into the rock and roll lifestyle.

1 comment:

Shelley Bowman said...

Your girls have gotten so big! I must say the 4.0 is very impressive! I must commend you for having twins and being able to stay sane!