Tuesday, June 2, 2009

School and a Table

So Derik finished his second semester of Grad school and maintained his 4.0 GPA! Woo-hoo. To celebrate he made a goal to read one book a week during the summer. So far, he is keeping to that goal. We also decided to get a new kitchen table (sort of). We received Morgan's Parent's old table since they were going to throw it away. We stripped all of the old varnish and stain off of it and redid the table top. We were able to fix alot of the discoloration and water damage that was on the table. It is sitting in our basement right now curing. The table top at least looks really nice. Not bad for our first effort with furniture restoration. In a week or so, we will be able to get the table upstairs and ready for some light use. We are currently also looking to upgrade Kyla and Daria to twin (no pun intended) size beds. We have found a pretty good deal at the Salvation Army that we will probably take. Here's hoping that the girls show at least a little mercy towards their beds when they get them and don't try to jump them to death.

We are looking forward to catching up on everything that we have fallen behind in during the school year in the summer (including this blog) talk to everyone soon.

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